Mail has come a long way, but it still lacks the bells and whistles that make managing email easier. My thoughts on the various clients are this: Over the trial/testing period we gave all the afore-mentioned email clients a good week of proper use. Previously I had been using Postbox which I was pretty happy with, particularly since it has an excellent attachments-only view which is brilliant for finding that long-lost PDF. I tested the new Monterey version of Mail, Outlook 365, Spark, MailPlane, Postbox and Airmail and the tl dr is that in the end we both settled happily on Airmail.

During the testing I decided to switch email clients too, because I was so impressed with the software in question. My co-worker (the missus) is very particular about her requirement around emails and it was a tough job to find some software that worked the way she wanted. I recently went through an extended round of testing of all the better known email clients.