You can see we've received content every couple months since The Sims 4's release date in 2014. The following packs are listed in chronological order. Expansion Packs, Game Packs and Stuff Packs List We have two categories of addons for TS4 that add actual gameplay: full-blown Expansions and smaller, cheaper Game Packs. Currently, The Sims 4 is on track to compete with The Sims 3's Expansions and Stuff Packs in price and value. The Sims 4 offers a solid base game with plenty to do, but we all know the best gameplay is ahead when the number of Expansion and other DLC increase the amount of features, and seeing those come together to give us all more to do in the game. This will typically be in a folder in “ Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods.” If the “Mods” folder doesn’t exist, you can make your own, as long as it’s in the same location.The Sims 4 Expansion Packs List of Features for DLC: Expansion, Game & Stuff Packs Move the unzipped files to the mods folder.Make sure “enable custom content and mods” is checked.Open the options, and then select the “game options” tab.) If the “Mods” folder doesn’t exist, you can make your own, as long as it’s in the same location. This will typically be in folder in “ :\Users\\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods.” (Replace your own Windows user name and the letter for your hard drive. Some mods may have specific installation instructions, but most CC should be able to be installed with the following steps. We’ve detailed the steps on installing mods and CC below. (You cannot install or use mods and CC on consoles.)

Our The Sims 4 guide will walk you through how to install CC and mods for both Windows and Mac. Installing them can be complicated if you’re new to modding games, but The Sims 4 makes it fairly easy. If you’re playing The Sims 4 on Windows or Mac, you can customize the game using custom content (CC) and mods.